Minggu, 17 November 2019

Agareum, GameDrop Berbasis Cryptocurrency

Para pecinta game harus tahu, kenal, dan mencoba game dari Agareum. Agareum adalah salah satu situs yang memberikan fitur game multiplayer dengan cryptocurrency yang pasti menguntungkan dan membuat game semakin seru. 

Game yang disediakan oleh Agareum ini bernama Gamedrop. Gamedrop hadir sebagai game dengan mode Token Death Match yang mana sebagai bukti bahwa Agareum adalah platform game dengan sistem cryptocurrency. Ya, para gamers nanti akan bermain game sambil mengumpulkan token sebanyak-banyaknya. Dengan aturan utama "Fill your Bag!", semua gamers yang memainkan Gamedrop akan bersaing mengumpulkan token sebanyak-banyaknya yang mana tak hanya bisa untuk dikumpulkan saja, melainkan bisa digunakan untuk membeli skin untuk bermain lagi tentunya.

Itulah sedikit perkenalan dengan game yang ada dalam platform game Agareum. Selanjutnya akan lebih baik jika Anda mengerti lebih spesifik tentang platform ini fan game yang mereka sediakan.

Agareum dan Gamedrop
Sebagaimana yang telah disinggung di atas, bahwasanya Gamedrop adalah game yang disediakan oleh Agareum. Agareum sendiri memang hadir sebagai platform game multiplayer yang bisa dilakukan bersama-sama sekaligus dengan tujuan yang sama, yaitu mengumpulkan token sebanyak-banyaknya.

Tak sulit untuk memulai permainan oleh Agareum ini. Sesaat setelah sampai ke website Agareum, gamers hanya perlu membuat akun atau mendaftar keanggotaannya saja. Setelah terdaftar, pemain harus memilih skin terlebih dahulu baru bisa memainkan game untuk mengumpulkan token.

Memilih skin di awal ini gratis dan tersedia sebanyak 20an skin di fitur skin library yang ada di tampilan awal Gamedrop. Untuk selanjutnya, pemain hanya perlu memainkannya saja dan mengumpulkan token tentunya. Token ini bisa terus dikumpulkan untuk ditukar beberapa hal, namun bisa juga untuk membeli skin yang lain jika terasa dibutuhkan.

Meskipun Agareum baru memiliki satu mode permainan saja, yaitu Token Death Match. Agareum sampai saat ini telah mengerjakan mode permainan lainnya, yaitu Team Attack, Speed Feast, last Cell Standing, dan FFA. 

Perlu diketahui juga bahwa setiap permainan mode Token Death Match yang dimainkan bersamaan ini hanya bisa dimainkan hingga 30 pemain saja. Mungkin para pemain akan menanyakan bagaimana peraturan ini, dan jika game ini membawa sistem permainan jenis timing, berapa waktu yang diberikan untuk memainkannya. Game yang akan dimainkan ini hanya akan memberikan waktu selama lima menit saja pada para pemain untuk mengumpulkan token sebanyak-banyaknya.

Tersedia sebanyak 1500 token untuk setiap permainan dengan mode Token Death Match ini. Namun, jumlah ini hanya berlaku untuk permainan pertama saja, untuk permainan  kedua, ketiga, dan seterusnya, jumlahnya bisa saja berubah dan bisa saja tetap sama.

Para gamers yang telah tertarik untuk mencoba game ini pasti juga akan bertanya-tanya kapan game ini bisa dimulai. Apakah bisa dimainkan sesaat setelah mendaftar? Atau harus menunggu dulu?

Setelah mendaftar menjadi anggota komunitas Gamedrop, pemain akan diberi kabar terkait waktu permainan dimulai melalui email dan sosial media yang ada. Oleh karena itu, pemain disarankan untuk rajin mengupdate notifikasi dari Agareum atau Gamedrop.

Token yang ada di Gamedrop ini dinamakan Token AGR. Secara keseluruhan ada sebanyak 1 milyar Token AGR yang telah disediakan oleh Agareum. Token-token ini bisa dikumpulkan untuk memaksimalkan permainan, mencoba game yang akan dirilis, mencoba private game, dan lain-lain. 

Kedengarannya seru bukan? Tak ada salahnya mencoba keseruan dari game cryptocurrency ini!

Website: https://agareum.com/
Game: https://play.agareum.com/

Whitepaper: https://agareum.com/WOA-World-Of-Agareum-v1.pdf

Telegram ID: @uncukarambie
Bitcointalk Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2345733
Email: uncukarambie@gmail.com

Selasa, 07 Mei 2019

Mycro Platform yang memudahkan setiap Pekerjaan

Hasil gambar untuk bounty mycro

Hallo Semuanya, kembali lagi dengan saya Uncu, kali ini saya akan menjelaskan salah satu yang paling Berharga, untuk informasi selengkapnya silahkan kunjungi Link berikut.
Waktu adalah uang ! Waktu adalah hal yang paling berharga, banyak orang memiliki kelebihan uang tetapi sedikit waktu, menjadikan waktu yang mereka miliki sangat berharga. Yang lain memiliki terlalu banyak waktu tetapi sedikit uang. Waktu terbatas dan kami tidak dapat memperpanjang lima menit menjadi satu jam atau lebih tepat setelah kami tidak memiliki cukup waktu bagi Anda untuk memotong rumput, berjalan-jalan dengan anjing dan supermarket Anda. Di dunia sekarang ini, waktu kita dapat dikendalikan secara eksternal oleh pekerjaan kita, kehidupan bermasyarakat, dan sejumlah besar tugas sehari-hari. Ada persyaratan tinggi untuk melakukan outsourcing pekerjaan itu. 

Teknologi kami secara signifikan lebih dari sekedar konsep. Kami memiliki prototipe yang efektif. Program Mycro memungkinkan untuk mengubah pekerjaan Anda menjadi berkinerja. Pengguna dapat menawarkan atau mengajukan permohonan untuk segala upaya kecil-durasi, mulai di tempat tinggal, pengiriman, layanan virtual dan terampil. The Mycro tindakan protokol sementara media lapisan sosial untuk perangkat lunak desentralisasi yang paling dimasukkan, menghasilkan peer-to-peer (P2P) hubungan dan menawarkan solusi yang efisien bagi pengunjung untuk perdagangan yg tak dpt dipercaya langsung masukan seluruh sistem. Bahkan protokol Mycro terdiri dari API sisi klien dan solusi yang memungkinkan perangkat lunak yang bergabung untuk secara cerdas mengeksekusi karya komunikasi bersama dengan pengguna yang berbeda melalui sistem.

Detail Token Mycro

The Mycro kekuatan token ekosistem Mycro. Token Mycro adalah alat untuk mencapai keterlibatan yang lebih dalam dari komunitas investor, mitra, dan kontributor yang lebih luas yang merupakan penerima manfaat utama dari pertumbuhan ekosistem. Token ini diterbitkan sebagai token ERC-20 yang sesuai dengan blockchain Ethereum publik. Token diklasifikasikan sebagai token utilitas. Token Mycro digunakan dan ditransfer dalam ekosistem Mycro dan aplikasi seluler Mycro. Token juga dapat diedarkan di luar jaringan dan di luar lingkaran orang yang terdaftar di dalamnya.
Nama: MYO
Teknologi: ERC-20
Jenis Token: Token utilitas
Pasokan token: 100.000.000 MYO
Token ICO: 66.000.000 MYO
Harga ICO: € 0,25
Soft cap: € 1.500.000
Hard cap: € 14.000.000
Pembayaran:  ETH, BTC, LTC, Transfer Bank (EUR, CHF), kartu kredit
maksimum 100 juta token Mycro (MYO) dibuat. Tutup lunak mencapai € 1,5 juta. Token yang tidak terjual dihancurkan dalam proses pembakaran.

Informasi selengkapnya,kunjungi : 

Situs web : https://www.mycrojobs.io/
Kertas putih : https://www.mycrojobs.io/download/Mycro-Whitepaper-EN.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Telegram : https://t.me/mycrojobs

Jumat, 19 April 2019


Hasil gambar untuk bounty gooreo

Gooreo - это уникальная платформа, разработанная для поддержки новых выпускников в поиске профессий, подходящих для их специализации, и предоставления владельцам компаний шансов получить одаренных студентов, в том числе юных и новых учеников, временно или постоянно работать в своих организациях. Gooreo сейчас строит сцену, чтобы упростить метод охоты на проект для студентов и молодых выпускников, тем самым значительно улучшая их профессию. Организация и компании также могут получать большую прибыль от нашей стадии, поскольку явно была минимизация или полное искоренение дорогостоящих решений по подбору персонала, чтобы обеспечить соответствующий подарок, требуемый для их конкретных ролей, тем самым оптимизируя выгоды от будущего.

Gooreo - это просто новая платформа, созданная для сообщества Ethereum и Blockchain. Система помогает всем нам создать приложение с надежной аутентификацией и избавить от спроса на дорогостоящее, чтобы доверять третьим сторонам. Программа Gooreo (децентрализованное приложение) скоро появится в Интернете как на настольном компьютере, так и на мобильном. Заявление помогает новичкам значительно быстрее найти задачу, соответствующую их собственной специальности, и, безусловно, поможет владельцам организаций в их стремлении к способности ученого участвовать в кратковременной или долгосрочной работе.

Мы вводим токен, также называемый OREO Coin, который потребители этой стадии могут использовать для выполнения сделок, связанных с занятостью. Использование технологии блокчейна в этом отношении обеспечит определенную чрезвычайную безопасность, в то время как записи и данные будут переданы специалистам, ищущим работу, а также ассоциации-заявители считают невозможным подвергнуться опасности, поскольку они подвержены такому защищенному характеру этой технологической инновации блокчейна , Мы создали систему, которая может улучшить предстоящие тонны этого исследования. Студенты вместе со своими компаниями одинаково заботятся о неэффективности, повышают безопасность и значительно улучшают индивидуальный опыт на существующем рынке рекрутинга.


Для студентов - студенты будут уверены, что они работали по своей специальности, и получат аккредитованную сертификацию на вашем сайте вместе с фирмой. После завершения работы, чтобы показать свой опыт
Для работодателей - с платформой Gooreo владельцы бизнеса могут зарабатывать много времени и денег и легко находить молодых людей, которые нанимают их в различные области.
Для общества. С помощью ГООРЕО современное общество извлечет выгоду из молодых идей и изобретений, а также, безусловно, сэкономит много шансов на получение прибыли для вашего недавнего окончания.

Как это работает?

Каждый студент регистрирует свои собственные учетные записи о подаче заявления и составляет свой профессиональный рестарт.
Компании будут распечатывать заявку на работу, составлять и определять, является ли проект онлайн или локальным.
Письмо будет направлено непосредственно всем студентам, обучающимся в одной и той же области (и в той же стране, если работа местная), чтобы нанять организацию, пытающуюся найти персонал.
Кандидаты принимаются через идентичный сайт, а также кандидат может быть принят в социальных сетях, в частности (LinkedIn).
После завершения предложенной для студента продолжительности работы получает сертификат от сайта и компании и присваивает ему степень (хорошо, средне, отлично).

Название монеты: OREO Coin
Символ: ОРЕО
Код: ERC20
Общий объем поставок: 1 000 000 000
Десятичное число: 18
Адрес договора: 0xfb71ab03d371c43f5e2f3747e5f790370399e778

Дорожная карта

18 ноября - 15 декабря 2018 года = Pre-ICO
23 февраля 2019 года = выпуск новой кампании за вознаграждение
01 мая 2019 года = листинг OREO на 3 основных биржах (Latoken, IDCM и CoinTiger)
01 июля 2019 = Дополнительные крипто биржи
15-28 февраля 2019 г. Выпуск версии Alpha для платформы Gooreo, включая приложения для Android и iOS.
15 марта -30 апреля 2019 года = начало основной продажи ICO.
15 мая 2019 г. = Распределение жетонов за старые и новые кампании.

Детали Информация:

Веб-сайт: https://gooreo.com/
Технический документ: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D6kmDoZbBXYlg-yYkdI32yLVNdjfCv89/view
Тема Энн: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5113242
Telegram: https://t.me/gooreo
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gooreo/
Средний: https://medium.com/@gooreo
uncukarambie (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2345733)

Selasa, 02 April 2019

iTEX - Innovating Trading Exchange

Hasil gambar untuk bounty itex

The iTEX project is actually a stage which has been developed with a transparent indisputable fact with got the primary purpose of accomplishing accurate decentralization with best controller and far better exploitation on the sector, and for that reason we will become HYBRID trade, and offering a few technological added benefits and gains from the exchange decentralization to create top liquidity, security, customer security along with fantastic quality service.

Itex can be a hybrid exchange that delivers the best qualities of a private exchange besides those of a real world, looking for a free and fair trading with a optimal and much superior exploitation control.
This endeavor includes quite a few apps for distribution among of its own users out of the ecosystem plus it'll be determined by the variety of trades carried out and in addition will be distributed every 2 weeks in the computer system.

During our app promote endeavors which have amazing utility and also don't need the essential method to produce themselves understood by executing an residential area voting approach.It's survived not only five centuries, but likewise the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. This had been popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software such as Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

We will possess a futures market to work long and short term from the USD / BTC set up to 50x and at some Altcoins upto 10x. In addition to the, we are going to have unique matching strategy: when your brand new client makes the decision to link their own profile to some one more successful they'll have the ability to copy their operations without any problems, thus obtaining identical results.

Itex qualities:
Uncomplicated and Pleasant Arrangement
Numerous Levels of Security Speedy, Very Low cost Withdrawals and Deposits
Money-laundering control
Free access to exchange history and statistics

Being a real hybrid , they are going to implement certain technologies that'll permit us to offer instant buy and market performance by averting any glitches that may influence the user as often occurs inside the real currency exchange. They will have accessibility of each sequence that traders may need.Such as: sell and buy orders, conditional orders or discontinue. They will also have the option to revise all of your previous trades at the feature known as"order history".ITEX EXCHANGE also comes with a security program to guard the registry information.The user should have the ability to pick security works for their logins like 2FA, device consent, electronic mail verification, re-captcha and biometric entry (fingerprint).

Token Sale

The tokens employed on iTEX trade internet site is going to be called ITEX, and retaining those exemptions gives customers an opportunity to arrive at the curative advice accumulated.
Private Sale = 20000000 Itex Price for Token $0.02 USD
Public Sale =180000000 Itex Price for Token $0.05 USD
Itex Token = Ethereum ERC20
Token Price =  1 Itex Token 0.02USD
Tokens to sell =  20.000.000 Itex
Our Team


Formore Information :

Website : https://itex.exchange/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/itexexchange/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/itexexchange
Telegram : https://t.me/ItexHybridEx
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5093257.msg49051106#msg49051106


Rabu, 13 Februari 2019

CCN Custom Contract Network

Hasil gambar untuk bounty CCN

CCN is a sensible contract service provider firm that is infamous for providing the very finest and reasonably priced remedies for the smart contract production together side auditing.

Instantly and Reputable 
Get into this consistent procedure and also various applications enable us to quicken the tradition of their development.We offer the many suitable services at the absolute most inexpensive to get smart bargain cost-effective and advancement. We do not charge a commission to get installation and also appointment.

The Way It Work 
Constructing your project goes via a couple stages until eventually we commence to code. Our path of activity is really straightforward however efficient, which starts having an variety of endings and prerequisites utilizing ultimate excellent product delivery and shipping to directly protect your organization and people standard protection.

We stay glued to precisely the orderly means in order to complete our action of progress and auditing which assists individuals accelerate the entire method. Before we start to target on the job, building your project expands under many investigations to ensure that the optimal/optimally outcome.

The procedure included collecting data and information out of becoming with your purchaser and figuring out your own requirements.
We all diagnoses your requirements and endeavor aim to confirm its own feasibility to possess your-self authentic outcomes.

Computer program style is aimed upward with all the assistance of requirements offered. We develop the code making use of integration span of activity that consists of rising a number of pieces in parallel. The code that was created was examined against specific needs to be sure that the merchandise is always solving exactly the special requirements handled. Finally the product is delivered/deployed to the buyer.

The current industries non-crypto and on occasion maybe crypto facing many different issues which could potentially be solved with all the mechanisms of de centralized blockchain together side sensible contracts.

Crypto Sectors
A variety of Precise Proto Col 
Quantity slabs provide 
Unreliable pragmatic Deal 
Best Cost For Services and Products 
Centralize Local Community
Gradual Productiveness
Main-stage of faking
Inadequate Data Precision
Inadequate Data Transparency
Larger Transaction Price Ranges
Gradual and Unreliable
Perhaps Not Plenty of Resources
Perhaps Not Enough Working Encounter
Perhaps Not Enough Plans
Due To Correct Assessment
Usual Price Tag
Not Services Tokenization
Only BTC/ETH Acknowledged
Only USD/EURO Acknowledged

CCN helps businesses or firm to go throughout the brand-new process of block-chain to conveniently take care of various over all issues and obstacles.CCN supplies services around the Ethereum technique which functions like a platform to receive a lot of products, letting a good eco-system to nurture.

Cost Successful Replies 
We give smart contract production and also auditing services at the lowest price tag, S O that won't comprise any installation fee or quotation service fees.

Instantly and Reputable Advancement
We collectively have the Immense resources, expert Team and systematic approach to Enhance upward the Custom of Fabricating reliable dApps

Lots of Cost Substitute 
CCN carries 9 distinct sorts of most cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, XRP, LTC, TRX, DASH, DGB, XMR, BCH), 3 distinct kinds of fiat currencies (INR, 75000, EURO) along with CCN Token to receive our services.

In front of one's intelligent invest in was installed at extra of mainnet it has set up in telnet to inspect the ideal attributes, compliance, and optimisation together with prerequisites.

Publish Aid Service 
We love our clientele along with furnish free up service to 1-2 weeks on daily of product or service delivery at case there's a discrepancy to make sure customer care that is absolute.

We provide probably the very customized smart contracts that may satisfy your requirements and ought to lessen your burden of workout.

Shortly following performing rigorous smart arrangement auditing we turn out a listing with remarks past but most certainly not offer a certification of compliance.

CCN Token will be released mostly significantly more than BTC along with ETH market. Its compatibility on this specific market utilizing thirdparty products and services pockets, transactions etc on, and straightforward integration. You are even permitted to obtain our smart agreement creation together side auditing services and products with CCN Tokens.

Token Image = CCN
Total Token supply = 890,000,000,000
Decimal = 18
Token Classification = ERC-20, Utility Token
Primary Markets = ETH & BTC
Smart Contract Address = 0x17B26400621695c2D8C2D8869f6259E82D7544c4

Kamis, 31 Januari 2019

Orbis Platform

Hasil gambar untuk bounty orbis

Our exceptional, decentralized system is similar to any additional banking platform available now, also it could be utilized readily by anybody of almost any era. Even though inherent tech may possibly perhaps not be well-understood, we view that this opacity for a reward afterall, there's not any requirement to comprehend the interior workings of the cell phone to utilize it! Orbis clients are going to have the ability to save lots of moneyand move their capital, make investments, and get funding or credit to their companies with an easy click of a tap or button of the monitor. In a few instances, there might be clients who may misunderstand or have issues in regards to this stage. First, they are going to possess the choice in the least occasions to talk to a AI VR customer-service discussion robot. This program will probably be on laptops, laptop computers, and portable phones of each type. There is going to be incremental usage directions for every single stage.

ORBIS was constructed having a unique blockchain alternate, along with two coins available for end users that permit them attract, proceed, perpetrate, and dedicate fiat capital or cryptocurrencies minus the values, no delay spans, with out a fundamental individual.

With cellular program, background applications, bank card, and also in-person branch choices, ORBIS signifies a really allencompassing trade alternative.

All of us is now solving each of the banking and cryptocurrency issues, acquiring the very first price-stable cryptocurrency,'' ORBS usefulness coin. Orbis usefulness coin utilized for global transfers, savings and payments, is linked on your pocket together using Orbis stability coin that is endorsed by OrbisSolutions organization stocks. Subscribe and Move Orbis Cryptocurrency for your Buddies or Loved Ones.

The existing fiscal process is significantly centered and chiefly serves the passions of just a couple big people.  These would be the financial and banks businesses which individuals view globally now, that include a vested interest in sustaining their standing.  Even the rent seeking behaviour of those hugely unsuccessful and mainly invulnerable company arrangements have gotten hazardous to this success and also option of not exactly everybody on the planet. 

Cases of the Collapse Comprise the International financial Catastrophe of 2008 along with also the European autonomous debt. Catastrophe of 2010.  All these were equally apparent  Demonstrations which shift was mandatory. The associated problems which ORBIS plans to tackle would be As follows:
• The removal of top prices and expensive  Barriers to entrance throughout removing 3RDPARTY  Intermediary products and services 
• an Important Decrease in delay times Trades ought to really be near-instant, perhaps not beholden To the company days and company hours of Traditional brick-and-mortar banking institutions 
• Selfservice without any levied limitations 
• elimination of complex paperwork and bureaucracy
Most these and much more will likely be handled from the ORBIS Desk-top, ATM, along with cellular programs, that can soon be  Usable by folks of most ages and certainly will start using a Stylish, straightforward design and style.

Even the ORBIS Staff works hard to Make Sure That they Really are offering a helpful service on the planet. Our Aim is always to earn life less complicated for every single One among our clients. We Mean to Do so by releasing a contemporary Payment platform using numerous publication Features that can allow clients to accomplish their Banking payments, and investment in Cryptocurrency and in 1 location. At the Pre-ICO point (in 16th to 30th of April) We're providing a 50% incentive for several of the potential buyers. Our group Intends to launch the stage 10th of all Might 2018; nonetheless, We'll be publishing 50,000,000 tokens ahead of its own launching, together with The beginning price tag of 0.5 U.S. bucks. In the Event the minimum funding goal Isn't Going to be attained All funds will likely be returned into buyers accounts/wallets.

Website : https://orbistransfer.com/
Whitepaper : https://orbistransfer.com/downloads/Orbis-White-Paper-2.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/orbistoken
Twitter : https://twitter.com/OrbisToken
Telegram : https://t.me/orbisgroup
Username BTT : uncukarambie
Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2345733
Eth : 0x848634A5dA488450587b3DF5edb2726F5b91F33b

Rabu, 30 Januari 2019

Alcedo Promoting The Adoption of Cryptocurrencies

Hasil gambar untuk alcedo bounty


The ALCEDO-Platform comprises all acts essential for tackling every 1 crypto trades. Even the ALCEDO-Ecosystem (system ) will manage several kinds of crypto machines, including pockets, ​as well as also coins. On account of the true truth we have a inclination to engineered and designed this particular technique, we're ready to execute new solutions fast and easily, anyhow. We've got a inclination to improve the body, and this reflects a focal point on the undertaking.

We furnish our crypto vending devices (2way ) out of well thought of manufacturers (GeneralBytes, Lamassu). By tapping on the devices in to the ALCEDO-Platform, we're ready to in addition incorporate substitute crypto devices. The freedom in the manufacturers guarantees affiliate level economic and productive commerce in our ALCEDO-Points. The K-ATM's operate using an especially designed API institution (distinct from anyone else) and consequently we possess the latest crypto prices for buying and commercialism. We now tend to also offer the trade of cryptocurrencies​ in newspaper money (Euro) along with another way round.


Along with this crypto ATM's, services issues may help our clients using the aid of our assistance crew. We will supply our clients the most identifying opportunity to search sell and for cryptocurrencies​ out of internet trades and together with all the non-public ease of their pros. They are likely to also help over the usage of their ATM's and reply most of questions in regard cryptocurrencies.


Even the ALCEDO-Wallet radically simplifies the managing of crypto currencies on this smart phone. Terribly only you can ship or receive many diverse coins. We provide in the start Bitcoin,'' Ethereum and the ALCEDO-Coin, nevertheless, this variety will be more enlarged . The situation is designed to find easily using all our crypto devices and so the ALCEDO-Platform.


ALCEDO-Cards are built to its key time using a built-in NFC processor and can be utilized in our own ALCEDO-ATMs along with also our POS terminals. This allows clients to rapidly and easily obtain or promote crypto currencies. Plus, the boosts the dissemination and approval of both ALCEDO-Coins and other crypto currencies.


The ALCEDO-Coin is just one among most of the leading crucial parts contained in the whole ALCEDO-Project partner degreed is thought to be a ERC-20 Ethereum-based coin in the beginning of ICO. Clearly, ALCEDO-Coins could possibly serve as money also with their own usage over the ALCEDO- technique. We will establish the ALCEDO-Coin inside this autumn 2019.

Token: ALCEDO-Token
Complete ALCEDO: Token100 000-000 ALCE
Hard-Cap: 40 000 000 ALCE
Project-Protocol: initial ERC20-Token
Crowd-Sale: Dec 01, 2018
Way of Cost: BTC, ETH, Pay-pal

Details Information : 

Website : https://www.alcedoplatform.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/alcedoplatform
Twitter : https://twitter.com/CoinAlcedo
Telegram : https://t.me/alcedoplatform1
Username BTT : uncukarambie
Eth : 0x848634A5dA488450587b3DF5edb2726F5b91F33b